Teambuilding Community Service
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Teambuilding Community Service:
At this teambuilding and networking activity, you'll engage in meaningful conversations and strengthen bonds while supporting worthy causes. Don't miss out on this chance to make a difference and forge new connections. With snacks and drinks provided, it's sure to be a fun and energizing experience for all!
All CCA 2024 attendees are welcome to participate at any time throughout the hour. All tables are open on a first-come, first-served basis.
Community Service Tables**:
Beads to Beat Cancer:
Cancer cuts through boundaries of gender, race, nationality, and income. More than 1.9 million Americans develop cancer each year, which translates to almost 4 cancer diagnoses per minute.
Assemble beaded bracelets to donate to local cancer treatment facilities, where they will be distributed to current patients. Each donated bracelet is accompanied by a hand-written note of encouragement.

Hopeful Heroes:
Children facing life’s challenges are in search of something to empower them with the strength and bravery needed to conquer any hurdles they encounter. Our activity involves crafting a superhero cape and mask, providing these young heroes with the courage to overcome obstacles. Each kit also includes an activity book that will encourage the kids to use their imagination and express their creativity.

Shelter Snuggles:
Roughly 6.5 million companion animals enter US animal shelters each year. While being abandoned by the family you love is tragic in itself, it’s worsened when a cozy bed is replaced by the cold, drafty concrete shelter floor.
This program creates comfortable, safe bedding for anxious pets in shelters waiting for their forever home. Creating a small safe haven for these animals reduces stress and allows potential adopters to see them as part of their homes and lives.
In addition to creating animal beds, participants will assemble stimulating dog and cat toys to keep animals active! These easy-to-assemble toys will provide entertainment for hours, bringing joy into what might be a daunting shelter stay.

Hygiene Essentials:
These packs are distributed to support the unhoused population including veterans, children in foster care or disaster relief initiatives.
Each donation provides 10 different essential hygiene items for those in need: a tissue packet, toothpaste, toothbrush, wash cloth, comb, soap, razor, shave gel, shampoo and deodorant.
After assembling the packs, your team will write encouragement cards to be given with the hygiene essentials.

Be a community service sponsor! Pick a cause and your logo will be displayed on the assembly tables in the exhibit hall. Sponsors also receive silver sponsor status and logo signage will remain on the tables for lunch the following day in the exhibit hall. Donate to an organization of your choice* or allow CCA to select a local Amelia Island/Jacksonville organization for you.
*CCA reserves the right to decline any organization
Beads to Beat Cancer: SOLD
45 kits for 45 participants
Hopeful Heroes: SOLD
45 kits for 45 participants
Shelter Snuggles: $3,000
45 kits for 45 participants
Hygiene Essentials: SOLD
200 kits for 200 participants
**Causes are subject to change.